There are many great web hosting service providers through which one can launch websites. Almost all of them operate affiliate programs, either in-house or managed by affiliate marketing marketplace such as Impact Radius, ShareASale, PartnerStack. Do a Google Search or visit the brands’ websites to know about their affiliate/partner/referral programs.
You can take a passive approach and add one or couple of banners with affiliate links on the header/footer/sidebar. Some of the affiliate programs are indeed lucrative such as by Nexcess (owned by Liquid Web) on Impact Radius. Here is an instance of my affiliate commission screenshot. Based on my experience as web professional, I would recommend applying for the following programs:
1. Nexcess affiliate program (managed by Impact Radius). Here is the screenshot of commission received for sales (Action Earnings) and creating content for them (Other Earnings).
2. Flywheel affiliate (referral) program (managed in-house). They occasionally pay for creating content for them (screenshot of commission received).
3. WP Engine affiliate program (managed by ShareASale) or WP Engine partner program.
4. Moosend affiliate program (managed by PartnerStack). Moosend (email marketing software) too often comes with incentive for creating content for them (screenshot of payment received).
5. As an aspiring entrepreneur, the idea of coming out with a business plan is imperative. Consider joining LivePlan affiliate program. As a LivePlan affiliate helping your audience create a nice business plan, you might be offered a free premium version (40$ per month) for your own use.
In case you are already using WordPress as part of your web development activities, I recommend applying for WP Engine Agency Partner Program. Here is my experience with this program: WordPress: Getting access to free perks and privileges with WP Engine Agency Partner Program.
In case you are short of time, make use of automated affiliate program like the one by Skimlinks.
How to approach AWS and Plesk that do not have an affiliate program
There are a number of blog posts on my website explaining the usage of AWS Lightsail and Plesk to launch WordPress websites While AWS does not have an affiliate program, Plesk does have a partner program which actually is not free. I would strongly recommend exploring AWS and Plesk web admin panel as part of your web development endeavor. In my case with AWS and Plesk, I do not earn affiliate commission but benefit from AWS Lightsail, a tool to launch WordPress sites. I use AWS Lightsail with Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu. Here is my experience: Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu: 3 websites under one instance with plans starting 5$ per month on Amazon Lightsail and a demo of migration with free Migrate Guru plugin.
There is an opportunity to avail free credit from AWS. I have actually availed 1k and 5k credit from AWS and all my websites including this one hosted on AWS. Here is the process as per my experience: Cloud technologies for startups: Tips based on our experience as a startup from India. You too can consider applying for the credit.
Given the popularity of Plesk web admin interface, you can get free learning and badges by enrolling to Plesk University. You can use this as an opportunity to prove your expertise in WordPress and Plesk admin panel while generating leads from the website tools such as Hire Us page.
In other words, you can earn from two broad sources:
1. Ads (pay per click/pay per impression programs such as AdSense, affiliate programs) while acting as publisher.
2. Web developer/digital marketing agency providing one-on-one services to clients.
Often you will end up buying for your clients web hosting, domain names from your affiliate links! In order to avail affiliate commission as you sell domain names to your audience, I would recommend NameCheap affiliate program that offers 30 percent commission. NameCheap’s prices are competitive. Although NameCheap has affiliate programs on Impact Radius, ShareASale, and CJ, I would suggest opt through either Impact Radius or ShareAsale (screenshot of commission received).